To the Campus Community:

I am writing today to provide continued guidance and information to the campus community, as we address the outbreak of norovirus. There has been a sharp reduction in the number of students who have become ill with norovirus, and we expect that as result of the many actions taken by the College thus far, this trend will continue. Facilities has been working vigorously throughout the weekend sanitizing and disinfecting all areas of the College. As the College moves to resume normal operations tomorrow, please remain vigilant, and continue to follow these important health advisories:

  1. If you experience any of the symptoms of norovirus, even if they seem mild, do not attend class, athletic practice/events, or co-curricular activities for the next 48 hours. Students that have left campus for the weekend, who have become ill while at home, should remain at home for two days. Dean’s Excuses will be issued this week for excused absence from class. Employees should follow the same recommendations as they pertain to the workplace.
  2. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Alcohol-based hand hygiene products are less effective.
  3. Disinfect surfaces by applying a chlorine bleach solution. Facilities has made disposable gloves, paper towels, and disinfectants that kill norovirus available in residence halls and other areas of the College.
  4. After recovery from norovirus, wash your linens and clothing thoroughly and avoid contaminating surfaces with items that have been soiled.
  5. Dining services will continue to offer to-go meals, and students are encouraged not use dining facilities until they are symptom-free.

I appreciate the extraordinary effort and sacrifice that students and staff have made as we continue to navigate through these significant public health issues.

Thank you again for your support and teamwork.


Jeffrey Goldstein, MD

Director of Health Services