Bailey Health Center connects students with quality health care and promotes an environment of wellness, where students are treated with compassion and understanding.

Medical Health Forms & Required Insurance Information for Students & Parents

Please allow several days from completion of the Insurance Form for the charge to be removed from your account.

After-Hours, On-Call Nurse:

Students may call with any medical concerns or questions.
Lehigh Valley Health Network 610-590-2719
  • Weeknight Coverage (except winter and spring break). Monday through Thursday: 5PM until 8AM the following morning.
  • Winter Break and Spring Break Coverage. Monday through Thursday: 3PM until 9AM the following morning.
  • Weekend Coverage. 5PM Friday evening until 8AM Monday morning.
  • Summer Coverage. Weekdays: Monday through Friday: 3PM until 9AM the following morning. Weekends: Friday 3PM through 9AM Monday.


New College guidelines for COVID-19 isolation period

  • In early March 2024, the CDC updated guidelines for people who test positive for COVID-19. The new guidance, adopted by the College, now matches public health advice for flu and other contagious respiratory viruses: Consider staying home when you are sick, use actionable measures to protect yourself and others, and return to work and school when you are feeling better. People no longer need to isolate themselves for five days or report positive tests to Bailey Health Center. The shift reflects the sustained decrease in hospitalizations and other severe outcomes from COVID-19. The College will continue to monitor all serious contagious infections in the community to ensure we have the tools necessary to limit the spread of illness on our campus.

Contact Information

Bailey Health Center

607 High St.
(S.W. Corner of High & McCartney Streets)

(610) 330-5704