Dealing with ADHD

By Narena Nerahoo ’24 and Jenna Bruckman ’24

Lafayette students who participated in the American College Health Assessment survey in spring 2023 were recently asked to list the most important issues that negatively impacted academic performance. Of the students surveyed, 16.1% claim attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has negatively affected their academic performance.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), ADHD manifests with symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity that interferes with everyday life. It is one of the most common neuropsychiatric conditions in children and adolescents; often it persists into adulthood.

NIMH states those with ADHD may overlook important details, have difficulty maintaining attention in lectures or long activities, may appear to not be listening when spoken to, and/or have difficulty following through on instructions, organizing tasks, and time management. Individuals may fidget or squirm while seated, talk excessively, and/or interrupt others. Lack of sleep, high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and certain illnesses may cause similar symptoms as ADHD.

Providers at Bailey Health Center can meet with you to discuss concerning symptoms and refer you to a specialist if necessary. Please reach out if you feel that these symptoms could be impairing your ability to complete your academics successfully.

Some treatments for ADHD include stimulants, non-stimulants, psychotherapy, and psychosocial interventions. Some tips to help combat ADHD symptoms include keeping a routine/schedule, making lists for tasks, using a calendar for event scheduling, using reminder notes, assigning a special location for important items so that you don’t lose them (such as, keys, wallet), and breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.
